January 11, 2019

  • Feeling of Uneasy...

    Angst jumping up my spine, through my skull, and into my brain...

    Things that haven't even happened yet
    Trying to find...

    SOUTIONS like a MAN finds...

    Tearing up with fear of the future...

    One day at a time isn't always that easy...

    Trying to go to sleep but have this feeling of uneasy.

December 12, 2018

  • Milky Way...

    Comfort is bliss
    Nothing to see
    Everything to experience
    It's like I'm in outer space
    Gliding through the milky way...

March 21, 2017

  • Baggage

    When the time comes

    I will face what is

    I will be armed with Tums

    And that stuff that goes plop plop fizz fizz

    Stress can do that to me

    Life isn't full of jubilee all the time

    It can turn on you at a drop of a dime

    That's Why I put my stress in a mass grave

    Without the lime

    Just let all that smelly angst decay

    Then pray on a stress-free day

    There's a time to work and a time to play

    But then there's a time to just relax

    To Quit thinking about how good it would be to have stacks

    Money mountains higher than Everest

    Being grandiose enough to think I'm the best

    No! To just meditate and clear my mind

    Clear the thoughts making me blind

    A man with no baggage is a good find

    That is what I want to be

    Free, Free to be me...

March 12, 2017

  • Step Into The Green...

    The sun shines before it rains
    The rain feeds all the fields, gardens, and plains

    A rainbow shows itself when the sun comes back out
    The sun interrupts the rain and tells everyone what art is about

    Wet grass is transformed into a dark green and its lush
    its so beautiful it keeps everyone to a deep, meditating hush

    Scenes like these are what lullabies are about
    Putting babies into a nice coma-like dream-filled sleep--to keep the cranky's out

    Treat after treat is the great out doors
    it is important to get out and step into the green, away from man made floors

March 9, 2017

  • An Empty Room is For a Full Heart...

    An empty room
    So quiet its loud
    Replaced by a haunted mind
    A toxic world is developed
    No escape when awake
    Even worse when asleep
    The tricks silence plays
    A psychological drama
    Voices no one else can hear
    Faced with self
    A mission many haven't completed
    No advice
    No encouragement
    No love
    Just self
    A full mind
    with An empty heart
    No soul
    One could lose everything
    An empty room is dangerous
    An empty room is for a full heart
    No doubts of self
    No discouraging inner voices
    Only someone with a soul

March 4, 2017

  • It Has Been So Long...

    It has been so long, I have been through so much since the last time I have written in my blog, and now I feel it is time to reclaim my seat. The fact of the matter is, blogging was such good therapy for me. I was able to get all the crap out of my system; just regurgitate up and out all the bad stuff that filled my soul with angst.

    I have totally seen better days. I have been living with my mom ever since I moved back from Chicago, three years ago. My luck with jobs has been terrible! I am wicked discouraged. Although I did pass the Postal exam this week. Working for the post office would be an amazing switch, if/when I get that Government job. I would be going from peanuts to over 40K starting pay. And with all the benefits coming my way. Security would be my middle name hahaa! It's a waiting game right now, I am keeping my fingers crossed and steadily praying about, and for it (say if you could either keep your fingers crossed for me, or, if you pray, say a prayer for me, I would totally be grateful for that--I mean if anybody reads this, that is).

    Lately, for chump-change, I have been working as an independent courier for a couple of online companies, such as, Postmates and even Caviar for a little while. It's okay, but, you have to work forever to make a steady income (then again, that might be because I haven't found the right online company to be a courier for yet. I just applied to be a GrubHub driver, we will see how that goes--sick of Postmates).

    I am doing the best I can to keep my head up, but, I feel that something needs to happen fast, or I will have a problem not acting in desperation. I have looked into volunteering into the Turkish army to fight ISIS. I haven't done much for this country, and so when I saw that program on Netflix about Americans and others from all over the world volunteering to fight against Isis, a light bulb lit up. I am not saying that I am going to do that but, I have romanced the thought. It is funny where our mind takes us when we feel worthless.

    Life is tough, the world is dangerous, and nothing is going to get easier...

    Life Isn't Easy

January 11, 2016

January 14, 2015

November 26, 2014

  • To Be A Gladiator...

    Sword to sword
    Dripping with blood and sweat
    Only the best move forward
    Win or lose there is no fear
    They stood their ground
    No hate for foe just business...

    Their lives meant nothing
    The spectators were the true Sociopaths
    The product of powerful kings
    They dictated who breathed another day
    They dictated who was at their end
    Mortally wounded--they died a sharp death

    The famous forgotten
    Destined to be slaves
    One coin of riches hardly ever spent
    A scam, false hope, to fight out a debt
    To live the rest of their days battered

    Their fame is only appreciated now
    A thousand-plus years later
    Finally the legends mean something...

    Loved by those who read their stories
    The warrior who stood strong
    The real kings...

    To be a GLADIATOR...


February 18, 2014

  • Sittin' On My Horse...

    Sittin' on my horse
    Saddle loose
    Runnin' the course
    I fell on my caboose

    Get back up on that horse
    Continue the course
    Get back up on that horse
    Continue the course

    I get up
    The saddle is on the ground
    Wiped the dirt off my butt
    Looked at that horse an' frowned

    Get back up on that horse
    Continue the course
    Get back up on that horse
    Continue the course

    Walked to the horse
    Put the saddle on
    Get on an' bucked off with force
    But hope is not gone'cuz

    Lookin' for a NEW horse
    To get back on course
    Lookin' for a new horse
    To get back on course