Month: November 2014

  • To Be A Gladiator...

    Sword to sword
    Dripping with blood and sweat
    Only the best move forward
    Win or lose there is no fear
    They stood their ground
    No hate for foe just business...

    Their lives meant nothing
    The spectators were the true Sociopaths
    The product of powerful kings
    They dictated who breathed another day
    They dictated who was at their end
    Mortally wounded--they died a sharp death

    The famous forgotten
    Destined to be slaves
    One coin of riches hardly ever spent
    A scam, false hope, to fight out a debt
    To live the rest of their days battered

    Their fame is only appreciated now
    A thousand-plus years later
    Finally the legends mean something...

    Loved by those who read their stories
    The warrior who stood strong
    The real kings...

    To be a GLADIATOR...
