March 21, 2017

  • Baggage

    When the time comes

    I will face what is

    I will be armed with Tums

    And that stuff that goes plop plop fizz fizz

    Stress can do that to me

    Life isn't full of jubilee all the time

    It can turn on you at a drop of a dime

    That's Why I put my stress in a mass grave

    Without the lime

    Just let all that smelly angst decay

    Then pray on a stress-free day

    There's a time to work and a time to play

    But then there's a time to just relax

    To Quit thinking about how good it would be to have stacks

    Money mountains higher than Everest

    Being grandiose enough to think I'm the best

    No! To just meditate and clear my mind

    Clear the thoughts making me blind

    A man with no baggage is a good find

    That is what I want to be

    Free, Free to be me...